Thursday, September 18, 2014

Break the Code on Entrepreneurial Thinking in the Real Estate Industry

During the first annual Global Property Specialist (GPS) Retreat, over a dozen specialists including Tony Giordano, Tamara Tyrbousla, Bill Hunt, The Battista Team, and Dr. Linda Gerber shared insights about the opportunities the international market provides for Keller Williams associates. The GPS program is dedicated to connecting members to international clientele and leveraging the fast-growing global network to sell listings, and the presenters offered unique perspectives about turning this dream into reality.
Clifton Taulbert GPS MC2014"
Motivational speaker and author Clifton Taulbert

Motivational speaker and author Clifton Taulbert focused his keynote address on his “7 Key Strategies for Entrepreneurial Thinking,” bringing his distinctive outlook on entrepreneurial strategy to the increasingly global world of real estate.

 Taulbert focused on how associates, by shifting their thinking, could change the course of their careers. He stated, “Time changes quickly and circumstances change even quicker. How can we bring entrepreneurial thinking into the real estate market?”
Taulbert outlined the differences between a fixed mindset versus a growth mindset; if you want something different, do something different. “Your actions follow your thoughts,” he said.
By being diligent and altering his thinking during pivotal life moments, Taulbert’s actions led him to where he is today. “Leaders don’t hold the patent on entrepreneurial thinking,” he said. “Globalization and marketplace competitiveness demand a shift in thinking,”
Taulbert’s seven strategies are vital for every GPS member to follow if they want to “Break the Code” on entrepreneurial thinking.
  1. Choose your mindset – Choose to hold a growth mindset, not a fixed one. Anyone can alter their life by altering the way they think. No one can choose your mindset for you.
  2. Be determined – Develop a vision and put in the hard work to accomplish it. “Hard work looks the same in Austin as it does anywhere else in the world.”
  3. Build a solid relationship bridge – People matter! It takes three things to build a relationship bridge: respect, affirmation, and inclusion. Focus on these to create real connections.
  4. Slow down to lead – Take the time to know what it takes to do a job well and find out information before making decisions.
  5. Know your business’s “health” metrics – Knowing metrics facilitates accountability. Always measure and understand the numbers to stay on top of the details—and encourage this behavior in others.
  6. Be prepared to swim upstream; easy isn’t guaranteed – Always approach issues with a mindset of “when something happens, I’ll tackle it.” Don’t allow fear from keeping you from accomplishing the vision you’ve developed.
  7. Resolve to succeed – Count the small wins! Small wins dictate who you really are and aid in the ability to understand yourself and predict what you can really do.
Taulbert concluded the session with these parting words: “Entrepreneurial thinking can change your life! Have a great life and embrace these codes!”

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